Gran Turismo 5


Żenujące. Musiał Fiat nieźle posmarować, żeby takie klamoty się znalazły w GT5. Mini Cooper S z lat 60 to jest klasyk do gry wyścigowej a nie to truchło.


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Z tego co widzę na razie jest to stare dobre GT w wyższej rozdzielczości, ryk silnika ten sam od pierwszej części, zachowanie aut też, jakiejś inwencji kierowców prowadzonych przez SI nie stwierdzam, no i trochę szarpała jak jechał pod prąd...


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Niektórzy to chyba swierzaczki w tym biznesie. W seri GT zawsze były takie samochodziki. Jeszcze pewnie będzie trofeum za to żeby jakiś turniej przejechać takim bolidem.


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Wrzucam jako ciekawostke przewodnik ( do zassania ) po torze Nordschleife , tak do przejrzenia dla fanów wyścigów.


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I do tego odpowiednia kierownica i można zarwać nockę :D



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Pierwsze video prezentujące warunki pogodowe ,śnieg , deszcz ..
Bedzie chyba niezła jazda :-D
Gran Turismo 5 Weather Video Trailer

plus reszta info (co ciekawe ,momentami gra moze spasc ponizej 60fps)
Laguna Seca has been completely rebuilt and will return for GT5. Trial Mountain has also been confirmed.
“Gran Turismo Anywhere” will allow you to manage B-Spec races, right from your computer. You’ll be able to hold B-Spec races with your friends from anywhere in what are called “Remote Races”.
GT5 will feature a series of special events such as the Karting Experience, the AMG driving school, The Stig Challenge, Jeff Gordon NASCAR School, Sebastien Loeb Rally Challenge, and Gran Turismo Rally.
Point-to-point rally stages will be automatically and randomly generated – you’ll have to depend on your co-driver to give you the best instructions about the road ahead.
Rally mode can be played either on or offline.
Weather changes include temperature differences, air pressure changes, and humidity, affecting the surface conditions of the track dynamically.
Weather conditions are randomized. Forecasts for your race will be available but may not be entirely accurate, just like the real world.
Polyphony Digital has helped Red Bull Racing’s Adrian Newey design the X1 Concept – an “ultimate” racing car, free of any technical regulations.
Polyphony Digital has worked to improve engine sounds.
Yamauchi admits that, in certain situations – such as standing race starts in the rain with 15 other cars on the screen kicking up spray in front of you – the game may not be able to hold 60FPS. Otherwise, it will strive to hold 60FPS as often as possible.
The Volkswagen Kubelwagen, which has a drive system like the first beetle, and the amphibious Volkswagen Schwimmwagen will be in the game.
Many things didn’t make the cut in Gran Turismo 5, and work on Gran Turismo 6 has already begun.
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