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Experience thread - QM152E_000.005.101.047 for 5500, 65X0, 6400
Hello everyone,
The new SW is live. For technical feedback (positive and negative points) please post here.
After upgrading your TV, it is necessary to perform a "cold start". This means that, after the TV is running again (after the update), shut down the TV, wait 1 minute (till all components are shut down), and unplug the TV from the mains (pull power cord) for 2 minutes before starting again.
PS: Updating and reinstalling will result in losing your recordings and settings.
This thread is for discussing the new firmware. If you want to report your findings, please use the technical feedback and it will reach development. Posting in the experience thread does not guarantee that your post reaches development.
QM152E_000.005.101.047 (Date published: 2016-01-0

- BBCi Certification
- Incorrect CI+ key error message appearing when CI function is not enabled
- Incorporate Google latest security update
Kind regards,
Forum Moderator
Wczesniej tez nic nie pisali o 3D ale glebie naprawili