Próbuję...próbuję i tylko marnuję płyty....mam dwa pliki zgrane za pomocą PMB na dysk, połączone ts splitterem ...uruchamiam multiavcHD... i po utworzeniu płyty (która się nagrywa w Imgburn)...niestety nie uruchamia się ona na moim BD ...poniżej przedstawiam log z multiavchd z całego procesu....proszę pomóżcie...podpowiedzcie co robię źle...pliki pochodza z tej samej kamery (SONY ux3r z avchd)....płytki zostały sfinalizowane w kamerze....nie wiem...kompletnie zgłupiałem....log pokazuje, że przy pliku nazwanym "dzień ziemi" jest jakiś błąd...ale ja nie bardzo rozumiem w czym rzecz....
z góry dziękuję za pomoc...
[21:10:13] Log started for multiAVCHD v3.0 (build 645)
[21:10:13] Selected output mode for: AVCHD compatible player (DVD/BD-R disc)
[21:10:13] Processing 2 titles...
[21:10:14] Strict AVCHD folder mode is enabled...
[21:10:14] Processing (C:\Users\marek\Desktop\temp\test 1\Zamek w Czersku.m2ts)...
[21:10:15] Detected frame reference count: 2 (max:5).
[21:10:15] Detected video: ID#4113:V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC 1440x1080, fps=25.000, ref=2
[21:10:15] Detected display AR: 1920x1080 (AR:1.7

[21:10:15] Adding AC3 audio track (ID#4352)
[21:10:15] Total of 2 tracks found in this file.
[21:10:15] Media split set at 3999MiB point...
[21:10:15] Creating clip and playlist info (tsMuxeR)...
[21:11:37] Processing playlist...
[21:11:37] Title #1 added: "Zamek w Czersku"
[21:11:37] Verifying title...
[21:11:43] Title has: 1 audio tracks and 0 subtitle tracks
[21:11:43] Processing (C:\Movies\Dzien Ziemi 2009.m2ts)...
[21:11:43] Detected display AR: -1x-1 (AR:1)
[21:11:43] Media split set at 3999MiB point...
[21:11:43] No compatible tracks found.
[21:11:43] MediaInfo didn't obtain enough info! (VTRK/ATRK).
[21:11:43] Input *ts file did not provide compliant video/audio track IDs to mediainfo and will not be processed!
[21:11:43] Important files missing (clpi/mpls/m2ts)...
[21:11:43] Possible tsMuxer failure to process your input file (C:\Movies\Dzien Ziemi 2009.m2ts).
[21:11:43] M2TS (media) file count: 0
[21:11:43] CLPI (clipinfo) file count: 0
[21:11:43] MPLS (playlist) file count: 0
[21:11:43] Skipping to next input media...
[21:11:43] Preparing authoring information...
[21:11:43] Creating NTSC top menu.
[21:11:43] Authoring menu (NTSC).
[21:11:44] Creating video thumbnails for 1 titles (THM)...
[21:11:48] Creating thumbnails completed. (THM)
[21:11:50] x264/AviSynth output unexpectedly small or missing! (0 bytes)
[21:11:50] Custom menu navigation may not work as expected.
[21:11:51] Setting menu navigation...
[21:11:51] Authoring custom menu completed.
[21:11:51] Authoring welcome screen (NTSC).
[21:11:52] x264/AviSynth output unexpectedly small or missing!
[21:11:52] Welcome screen may be unavailable.
[21:11:53] Authoring custom welcome screen completed.
[21:11:53] Setting menu for 1 titles...
[21:11:53] Playback will end after title #1.
[21:11:53] Completed.
[21:11:53] Done!