Ustawienia kalibracyjne
Użytkownik "chromawash" z AVS Forum opublikował swoje najnowsze ustawienia :
I have slightly improved settings for List #4 here. Lists #1-3 are still unchanged. I don't think any of these lists can be further improved at this point. I don't think any better settings are possible, but I'll try out some of the latest settings posted for PC mode. I doubt they can overcome the Quattron firmware's "spectrum compression problem," which compresses parts of all RYGCBM segments, making it impossible to get accurate colors with any settings. For example, yellow-green and forest green can never be accurate together on the screen. Since forest green is a pretty rare color on average in most programs, my settings in CMS-Hue are set for accurate yellow-green.
________List #1 __ List #2 _ List #3 __List #4
Power Control :
Power Saving> Off (eliminates flickering)
Picture Settings :
Reset> Yes (you must select this prior to the others in this menu)
OPC>______ Off ____ Off ____ Off ___ Off
Backlight>__ -12 ____ -11 ____ -3 ____ -6
Contrast>__ +28 ____ +26 __ +20 ___+20
Brightness>__ -3 (tolerable viewing angle) or -2 (better shadow detail)
Color>_____ +11 ____ +6 ____ +8 ____ 0
Tint>________ 0 _____ +6 _____ 0 ___ -7
Sharpness>__ +2 (improves faces, especially in standard broadcasts)
Advanced Settings :
CMS-Hue :
R>___ 0 ____ 0 ____ +8 _____ +20
Y> ___0 ____ 0 _____ -8 _______ 0
G>_ __0 ___- 22 ____-18 _____ -30
C> _+12 ___ +8 _____ 14 ____ +30
B>_ -18 ___ -18 _____-23 ____ -16
M> _+22 __ _16 _____ 27 ____ +30
CMS-Saturation :
R> +20 ____ +25 ____ +25 ____ +27
Y>_ -11 ____ -11 ______ -5 _____ +2
G>__ 0 ______ 0 _____ +14 ____ -15
C>_ +14 ____ 19 _______ -8 ____ -19
M>_ +14 ___ +16 ____ +18 ____ +29
CMS-Value :
R> +13 ____ +16 ____ +17 ____ +27
Y>_ +8 ____ +11 ____ +16 ____ +29
G> +30 ____ +30 ____ +30 ____ +30
C> +19 ____ +21 ____ +24 ____ +16
M> +16 ____ +13 ____ +10 ____ +19
Color Temp:
___ Middle __ High ___ High___ Middle (you must select this prior to the others in this menu)
R>__ 0 ____ +30 ____ +30 ____ +17
G>__ 0 ____ +30 ____ +20 ____ +30
B>__ 0 ______ 0 _______ 0 ____ +21
R>__+1 ___ +30 ____ +30 _____+17
G>__ 0 ____ +29 ____+ 15 ____ +30
B>__ 0 ______ 0 _______ 0 ____ +21
Motion Enhancement> Off (Motion Enhancement may wear out TVs faster, so use only as needed)
Active Contrast> Off
Gamma Adjustment> 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ 0
(other values hurt viewing angle and color accuracy)
Digital Noise Reduction> Off
In order of most to least degree of inaccuracy and relative occurrence, the affected shades are certain shades of (? = unknown or imperceptible):
_____List #1 _______________ List #2 _________________ List #3 ___________ List #4
1) yellow-green #1 (darker) - yellow-green #1 (darker)_ all colors (slightly darker) _ orange (yellower)
2) red-orange and skin tones (oversaturated or undersaturated [yellow light shining on skin tones tends to be oversaturated]) ____ green (yellowish or darker [aquamarine/cyan undersaturated]) ____ yellow (greenish) ____ blue (undersaturated, oversaturated, darker, or purplish)
3) cyan (undersaturated or greenish) _ yellow (greenish) _ dark blue (much darker) _green (yellower
4) magenta (undersaturated) _ brown (undersaturated) _ dark green (much darker) _ yellow (oversaturated, greenish)
5) purple (bluish) _ magenta (undersaturated) _ blue (undersaturated, brighter, or purplish) __ cyan (greener)
6) blue (purplish) ____ purple (bluish) ____ red-yellow (red is subtracted) ____ purple (bluer)
7) orange (undersaturated and/or yellowish) _ orange (undersaturated and/or yellowish) _ purple (bluish) __ magenta (undersaturated)

green (oversaturated or brighter) ____ blue (purplish or brighter) ____ any highly saturated color (loss of definition) ____ same as List #3
9) yellow-green #2 (green subtracted) ____ red-orange and skin tones (undersaturated or oversaturated [yellow light shining on skin tones tends to be oversaturated]) ____ ? ____ ?
10) yellow (oversaturated or greenish) ____ any highly saturated color (loss of definition) ____ ? ____ ?
11) any color (whitish tint added; extremely scarce, but very scarce if using setting for better shadow detail) ____ same as List #1 ____ ? ____ ?
12) any highly saturated color (loss of definition) ____ red (darker, undersaturated, oversaturated, or lighter) ____ ? ____ ?
13) red (undersaturated, oversaturated, or lighter) ____ dark black (bluish) ____ ? ____ ?
14) dark black (bluish) ____ ? ____ ? ____ ?
Last edited by chromawash; Yesterday at 07:25 PM..