Zainstaluj aplikację HBO bezpośrednio na telewizorze. Wszystko działa ok, obsługa z myszki.
Dzieki, ale ja nie chce myszki - chce kliknac na komorce jak w innych aplikacjach
Zainstaluj aplikację HBO bezpośrednio na telewizorze. Wszystko działa ok, obsługa z myszki.
U mnie taka sytuacja jest na Youtube i Spotify ale na C70.Czy u Wasna sofcie 353 przy ogladaniu filmów z YouTube w 4k tez dzialaja tak wolno ustawienia tv ? Np regulacja obrazu ??
Wysłane z mojego XT1562 przy użyciu Tapatalka
GreetingsHello to my Polish friends! ��
I am hoping someone can help me. I just updated my TCL P6046 to v353...
Everything works more or less ok... But Netflix no longer displays 4k videos even though I am paying for a 4k account. Worked fine before the update, now only HD videos seem to be available.... Anyone had this problem before?
Maybe I did something incorrect? I got the update file from a Russian forum as I was not able to find a working link here on the forum.
Thanks for any help!
Not to sound like an asshole but have you thought that there probably is a good reason why you can't find this update in the open or on TCL website? Because it wasn't intended for everyone but people here who wanted to help manufacturer iron out any bugs and problems said firmware could have. Only a few of us were desperate enough to try it as "final solution" to some bugs we've encountered.
General rule of thumb is don't install software not approved by TCL. Sometimes, like with first version of Android 7, we installed it just because it was confirmed here to be exactly same firmware everyone would eventually get via the air and we didn't want to wait.
This is complete BS.But lets be honest, v143 ( the official version available) is a complete disaster.
Is there any way to go back to 173 and not upgrade to 336? Unfortunately my router camnot block adresses. Thanks!
This is complete BS.
v143 and v173 especially are most liked and well-tested firmware up to date. I had WiFi issues on 173 so I used 143 most of the time which works perfectly fine with Netflix, 4k HRD10, HEVC, basically EVERY video codec you can throw at it. No color or backlight problems, YouTube is fine and no crashes. It even has perfect white balance settings unlike 300 series software.
Lurk some more and read about other forum members favorite SW for their TVs. I think you would be surprised.
Będzie się działoSoft z nagrywaniem połowa kwietnia.
Soft z AI około 20 kwietnia.
AI skrót od artificial intelligence czyli sztuczna inteligencja.No właśnie co to to Al ??