Philips 55PUS6561 test - HDR schodzi pod strzechy !


New member
Hello guys! First of all short disclaimer - I amwriting in english because I am from Romania and I tried to read all the previous posts with google translate and it was full of please if you could help me with the following things. I just bought Philips 6500ER series - 55PUS6561/12 at around 3500 RON (local currency similar with yours 1 PLN Zlot=1.0003 RON). It was this model vs Sony 55XD7005. When I arrived home I was overall pleased by this model, altough I noticed the black washed lines on the panel (bleeding or blanking or what was it called sorry...) My biggest suprise is that I wasnt able to trigger HDR Mode from Netflix with UHD Subscription and 300Mbps connection (marco polo and all the hdr content doesnt work) I also want to buy a PS4PRO with HDR so I really want to know if it works or is just marketing. Also I just wanted to make sure that the native refresh rate is 100Hz or 60Hz (my pc sends only 60Hz via hdmi 1 maybe i'm doing something wrong) and if there is a way that I can unlock "unknown sources" with ADB in order to put some apk? Thank you in advance for your answers, based on them I could consider returning this model in exchange for Sony XD7005 (is it a good ideea?) . Thanks a lot!


New member
Hello guys! First of all short disclaimer - I amwriting in english because I am from Romania and I tried to read all the previous posts with google translate and it was full of please if you could help me with the following things. I just bought Philips 6500ER series - 55PUS6561/12 at around 3500 RON (local currency similar with yours 1 PLN Zlot=1.0003 RON). It was this model vs Sony 55XD7005. When I arrived home I was overall pleased by this model, altough I noticed the black washed lines on the panel (bleeding or blanking or what was it called sorry...) My biggest suprise is that I wasnt able to trigger HDR Mode from Netflix with UHD Subscription and 300Mbps connection (marco polo and all the hdr content doesnt work) I also want to buy a PS4PRO with HDR so I really want to know if it works or is just marketing. Also I just wanted to make sure that the native refresh rate is 100Hz or 60Hz (my pc sends only 60Hz via hdmi 1 maybe i'm doing something wrong) and if there is a way that I can unlock "unknown sources" with ADB in order to put some apk? Thank you in advance for your answers, based on them I could consider returning this model in exchange for Sony XD7005 (is it a good ideea?) . Thanks a lot!

Hello, sadly, Netflix does not work in HDR with Philips. However, TP-Vision (Philips) promised to fix it by the end of this year, so not much time left. Philips TVs are shown as HDR compatbile with Netflix on page, which may be a good sign, because about 2 months ago Philips was not mentioned.

So, yes, they plan to fix it but at this moment it is as you said.

I have both XBOX ONE S and PS4 Pro and I can confirm that both of them work correctly with HDR compatible games. The XONE S test also shows this TV as both 10-bit and HDR compatbile both in games and movies. However, the HDR on this Philips is not on level with more expensive TVs from different branches. But I guess you expected that as it is pricely on pair with many 1080p TVs.

The TV lacks contrast and brightness level to display HDR as it should be displayed, it does not have a certificate too. But the cheapeast certificate TV Samsung KS7000 (KS8000 in US) costs in zł ~4.500 zł (49") in comparision with this Philips ~3000 zł (49").

Yes, it is 100(120)Hz native.

You may want to switch in General Settings -> HDMI Ultra HD between 4:2:0 and 4:4:4/4:2:2. For example, in default 4:2:0 XBOX ONE S claimed that this TV does not support either HDR or even 4K, while in 4:4:4/4:2:2 everything is perfect there.

However, as for the gaming, me and some other people here experience annoying artifacts while in 'Game' Picture Mode on PS4 Pro. It does not occur on different picture settings, only in 'Game' Mode, but of course the input lag is the lowest in 'Game' Mode so it kinda suck. The Philips currently do not know why it happens, they are checking it, sadly..

As for clouding, bleeding etc. it happens, sadly not only on this Philips but on different TVs too. However, if it is on such a high level that it disturbs in watching/playing you should write to Philips and wait for explanation and their action. Those two lines that you mentioned I think I saw on HDTV Polska, a person was asking about it too and Philips exchange such models.
Ostatnia edycja:


New member
Hello, sadly, Netflix does not work in HDR with Philips. However, TP-Vision (Philips) promised to fix it by the end of this year, so not much time left. Philips TVs are shown as HDR compatbile with Netflix on page, which may be a good sign, because about 2 months ago Philips was not mentioned.

So, yes, they plan to fix it but at this moment it is as you said.

I have both XBOX ONE S and PS4 Pro and I can confirm that both of them work correctly with HDR compatible games. The XONE S test also shows this TV as both 10-bit and HDR compatbile both in games and movies. However, the HDR on this Philips is not on level with more expensive TVs from different branches. But I guess you expected that as it is pricely on pair with many 1080p TVs.

The TV lacks contrast and brightness level to display HDR as it should be displayed, it does not have a certificate too. But the cheapeast certificate TV Samsung KS7000 (KS8000 in US) costs in zł ~4.500 zł (49") in comparision with this Philips ~3000 zł (49").

Yes, it is 100(120)Hz native.

You may want to switch in General Settings -> HDMI Ultra HD between 4:2:0 and 4:4:4/4:2:2. For example, in default 4:2:0 XBOX ONE S claimed that this TV does not support either HDR or even 4K, while in 4:4:4/4:2:2 everything is perfect there.

However, as for the gaming, me and some other people here experience annoying artifacts while in 'Game' Picture Mode on PS4 Pro. It does not occur on different picture settings, only in 'Game' Mode, but of course the input lag is the lowest in 'Game' Mode so it kinda suck. The Philips currently do not know why it happens, they are checking it, sadly..

As for clouding, bleeding etc. it happens, sadly not only on this Philips but on different TVs too. However, if it is on such a high level that it disturbs in watching/playing you should write to Philips and wait for explanation and their action. Those two lines that you mentioned I think I saw on HDTV Polska, a person was asking about it too and Philips exchange such models.

How very true Felix. If I might add:
Let me say just one more thing buddy. While stills are very clear and 4K/HD movies are perfectly displayed, please be aware of some banding issues. (It's been reported notoriously by a quite large group of users).
Watch a few football matches and try to hunt down some vertical shadow-like bands. They;re perfectly visible during fast panning shots in light uniform backgrounds (green turf for instance).
Your welcome to share your findings with us.


New member
Thank you Felix for your quick reply. I knew about the HDR Plus being a "best effort" and not accepted by UHD Premium because of the poor brightness of only 400cd/m2 at this tv but it can still give us an ideea about HDR and enhance overall experience, especially at this price. But this is what also Sony does with XD7005. I saw many mention in previous posts about those dark areas, it doesnt affect the view at a high level but you can notice it at brighter colours and at night. I own a normal xbox one so I thought a ps4 pro would be a good choice. So should I keep it or should i return it (because I have this right) and take the Sony XD7005? Thanks


New member
How very true Felix. If I might add:
Let me say just one more thing buddy. While stills are very clear and 4K/HD movies are perfectly displayed, please be aware of some banding issues. (It's been reported notoriously by a quite large group of users).
Watch a few football matches and try to hunt down some vertical shadow-like bands. They;re perfectly visible during fast panning shots in light uniform backgrounds (green turf for instance).
Your welcome to share your findings with us.

Thanks, yes this is exactly the case banding issues, so it's a common thing....


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Bez reklam
Bo ktoś zapytał w takim języku? A ktoś rzyczliwy odpisał w takim samym?

A wracając do tematu sprzedawców w sieciowkach i dlaczego tak ostatnio polecają głównie TV chciałem zwrócić waszą uwagę jaki glwny sponson jest na tym forum ;-) Sony Centre!! :)
Czy ma to jakiś wpływ na to że dużo tutaj osób odradza Philipsa??? Sami sobie odpowidzcie na to pytanie.... ;-)))

Nie zgodze sie z tym co piszesz. Kiki sam poleca tego philipsa i każdemu co innego w zależności od kasy, od wymogów itp


New member
Jeszcze jeden temat.
Ten sony xd7005 Też ma matrycę IPS w dodatku 60Hz.
Nie ma tam żadnego tematu z bandingiem itd.? Jak wygląda temat z dynamicznymi scenami? Ktoś ma, użytkuje?


Ilość aktywnych wpisów o wadach 6561 Philips wskazuje, że to jest inspiracja SONY POLAND. Skandal, bo Sony walczy z Philem o trzecie miejsce na rynku.
Wiem, że każdy promo Sony ma takie instrukcje. Wystarczy sprawdzić, że "pajace" piszą w godzinach pracy.

Pamiętaj: kupując każdy TV SONY zwiększasz deficyt = zadłużenie sekcji TV SONY. Od 8 lat dopłacają do TV.


Bez reklam
Bredzisz. Nie pracuję dla Sony, stwierdzam jedynie obiektywnie, że każdy 6561/7101 jaki widziałem cierpiał na banding.
Na dobrą sprawę, gdyby Krzysiek był w stanie załatwić podstawkę centralną do Philipsa, to dzisiaj pewnie stałby u syna w pokoju. Jemu podobają się "światełka", ja musiałbym tylko psychicznie zaakceptować pasy bo sam bym raczej tego tv nie oglądał ;-).


New member
Ilość aktywnych wpisów o wadach 6561 Philips wskazuje, że to jest inspiracja SONY POLAND. Skandal, bo Sony walczy z Philem o trzecie miejsce na rynku.
Wiem, że każdy promo Sony ma takie instrukcje. Wystarczy sprawdzić, że "pajace" piszą w godzinach pracy.

Pamiętaj: kupując każdy TV SONY zwiększasz deficyt = zadłużenie sekcji TV SONY. Od 8 lat dopłacają do TV.
na jakiej podstawie tak twierdzisz?

Wysłane z mojego SM-A500FU przy użyciu Tapatalka


New member

Jeszcze jedno pytanie z mojej strony. Czy jest możliwość, aby badning pojawił się dopiero po jakimś czasie użytkowania ?


New member
Bredzisz. Nie pracuję dla Sony, stwierdzam jedynie obiektywnie, że każdy 6561/7101 jaki widziałem cierpiał na banding.
Na dobrą sprawę, gdyby Krzysiek był w stanie załatwić podstawkę centralną do Philipsa, to dzisiaj pewnie stałby u syna w pokoju. Jemu podobają się "światełka", ja musiałbym tylko psychicznie zaakceptować pasy bo sam bym raczej tego tv nie oglądał ;-).

Ja obiektywnie 6561 pierwszego co kupiłem w MM dostałem zwalonego. Oddałem do sklepu. Sprawdziłem inny model co mieli na stanie i aktualnie na nim siedzę i nie ma ani cloudingu, ani bandingu więc tak chyba nie do końca... Bardzo możliwe, że coś wyskoczy w czasie użytkowania to napiszę na pewno :) Na tę chwilę po kalibracji jest bardzo ok. W tej cenie jakoś nie mogłem znaleźć lepszego sprzętu. Obraz, dźwięk na plus. System ma dużo braków. Może ogarną, może nie. Mi to wisi bo zależy mi na obrazie najbardziej. Pozdr :)


Ja tu sie niektórym dziwie.....czytając forum pewnie i wiecie, że Kiki oprócz tego, że jest prowadzącym to forum to ma sklep i min ma w ofercie ten model...czy nie byłoby prościej zwrócic sie do niego zwłaszcza, że obecnie ma dobre ceny i może (mam Nadzieje) wybrać dobry egzemplarz i go skalibrować niż tak ryzykować ? Ja jak sie w końcu skusze na ten model to tylko zwróce sie do niego...jak coś bedzie nie tak to wiadomo do kogo miec pretensje i gdzie interweniować....
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