Modowany firmware Xpress
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Modowany firmware Xpress datowany na 2 grudnia. Tłumaczenie z chińskiego na angielski przez Google Translator. Pełno w tym bzdur, ale ogólny sens można wyłapać.
Z wpisów na forum wynika, że instalowali ten firmware and2000 i cypisek_xl, więc z ewentyualnymi pytaniami odsyłam do nich.
Firmware modifications:
1.X format X ( 1186 ) series, Le X, blue X, open the XX 2.0, X box X (1185), Jie X ( 1186 ), the United States XX, open XX3.0 series and customizable UI The UI - is now set to Jie X, use the method: the ability to directly modify the TX USR/LOCAL/ETC/PDMENU_6 / file under: Hoi Mei Di HD600 series of magic-theme change tutorial ; unprecedented adding 8 UI .
(2) by adding innovative media center - when the insert U disk or hard drive is highlighted, otherwise it will prompt the media device is not ready, that the original menu of movies, music, pictures, so the main interface is more simple. Pictures are mostly out of self-PS The Hidden content
3 modified SWAP cache 4MB, the measured response and HITV online fast-forward faster switching page
4 can not be resolved about the official firmware menu cycle, now 8 UI have encountered circulation, in addition to the blue X interface (using the left and right keys also can be recycled )
5. join WEB2.6
6. increase in IMS also can change the theme and wallpaper
7 by adding hard disk automatically hibernate plug-in (default is 10 minutes)
8 of 8 UI interface to streamline unnecessary files, saving space, without feeding amount!
9.8 UI by adding a web browser, change the link to
10. replace the built-in font for the "romantic elegant round", hee hee, but also saves more than 10 MB of space, do not like free to replace / usr / local / etc / Fonts / msyh.ttf file
11. Xpress theme and wallpaper selection screen can cycle around
12 add a custom wallpaper functionality, direct replacement / USR / LOCAL / ETC / pudonghd / image / file under the former eight pictures of eight of the UI default background (in fact 40 are free to replace, just personally think that the default looks better, it is recommended to customize the remaining 34) , please rename your wallpaper can be the same file name, format JPG file size is 1280X720 pixels, while the wallpaper preview in / usr / local / etc / pudonghd / Rss_news / image /, the format is JPG file, the size of 256X144 pixels
13 update file to the IMAX 10.21
14 6 and 7UI can directly see IPTV - click on the "Hoi Mei Di-line" viewing HDPFANS, Le X TV broadcast (press the Enter key, then use the arrow keys to choose to not join REDRAW screen, to be studied)
15. all the UI by adding HITV icon, just click to watch
16 to 25 grids joined IMS, very high definition, every day online, and so a common platform has been integrated.
17 solved the RTMP media files, I pro-test and sometimes a live television sets can not play, can play in other machines, is hereby re-joined and resolved, and some assorted other not to mention streamlining.
Zmiany w ostatniej wersji
1 6,7 UI updates first watch television, rpew X TV and music, watch free to modify FTP address.
Teach you bid farewell to cumbersome operations, direct the custom menu feature
2 to streamline and fix on the version of some minor errors
3 additional IPTV special edition can add their own IPTV into HITV,, integrated HDPFANS \ very definition \ every day online \ good IMS Digital Live \ rpew TV series TV broadcast platform, that is point-per-view
4 open two platforms icon editing features - / usr / local / etc / Navigator_zhw / Image / under the corresponding icon, name, see / usr/local/etc/Navigator_zhw/scripts/menu1.rss.
system configuration enhancements:
5 Open the hidden automatically scan switches
6 on hidden FLASH menu, this is just experience, switch and press the other switch back to the default page returned for a heart
7. double SETUP_MENU interface, according to the first 5UI experience it!
8 by adding reboot reboot function, after experiencing poor WIFI connection and other unusual problems, more convenient operation.