Transmitowanie natywnych treści Auro 3D przez Internet z Nvidia Shield TV Pro
At the end of April, a live concert from Japan initiated by the company KORG in native Auro-3D sound was streamed freely accessible via the Internet to a wider audience, which was available worldwide for the first time as an uncompressed 96kHz Auro 3D live stream.
The focus was on KORG's own coding technology
Live Extreme, which provides a bit-accurate experience of every audio/video source without detours and compression.
Live Extreme uses an
AURO-3D real-time encoder to transmit multi-channel 5.1.4 Auro-3D in 24bit/96kHz including a high-resolution H.264 1080p 15 Mbps video stream.
The event took place on the 28th. February in the Hall of Halls at the Kiyosato Moeginomura Museum in Yamanashi, Japan, where a marimba concert by Tatsushi Omori and Yoko Kamihara was broadcast during the one-hour performance entitled
"Transferring the Sound of the Past Century into the Future."
So far so good.
Unfortunately, this event, which is actually very important for NewAuro and the new high-resolution streaming codec AuroCx, was once again very unspectacular and and unfortunately also extremely stepmotherly advertised. And even if an interested party noticed the event that took place at 3:00 a.m. at night, then it was sometimes not possible for him to receive the live stream because he had no corresponding hardware in use. The support from NewAuro was not exactly optimal here either, because despite the alleged playback option in the browser or via the Windows PC, it was not possible to receive the stream.
Therefore, I would like to summarize here again which hardware, which software and which settings of the software are needed for streaming native Auro-3D content in 96kHz, so that you can really participate in the next live event. Apart from live streaming, of course, content is also available that can be streamed at any time. These include, for example, the popular Auro 3D demo disc content, which is otherwise only available directly from Belgium for a cost contribution of about 30 euros per disc.
In addition to a compilation of the Auro-3D Demo Disk Volume 1 and 2, the new Auro-3D Demo Volume 3 is also available exclusively as a stream. In the run-up to the live event, KORG also released a new almost eight-minute sound demo, which visualizes the use of the individual Auro 3D channels by cubes flying towards the viewer. Initially, an extensive channel check is carried out with the respective individual signals, which then results in a quite sound-technically impressive techno & ambient sound, which you should definitely listen to.
You currently absolutely need an
Nvidia Shield TV or
Shield TV Pro with Android operating system. Other streaming devices such as the very popular Apple TV 4K are (currently) unfortunately not able to output the stream as native Auro-3D (only stereo output possible). At least the current version 9.1.1 should be installed as firmware; this ensures at least the playback of the 96kHz Auro-3D streams.
However, 48kHz Auro 3D streams require the successor firmware 9.1.2 or higher. Tip: If you register for the
Shield beta program by entering the Shield serial number, you will immediately receive the firmware update 9.2.0, with which the 48Khz streams also work!
Of course, the Shield must also be connected to an Auro-3D-compatible AV receiver, controller or preamplifier via HDMI.
Artist Connection app is required, which must be installed natively on the Shield on the one hand, and also on the mobile phone/tablet on the other. Login processes and link calls can then be carried out more easily on the mobile app. The settings are then synchronized across all devices via the account that is initially mandatory.
On the Shield, the following switches must then be DEACTIVATED in the app under
Device Preferences ->
Display & Sound:
- Night Listening Mode
- system sounds
Under the selection point
the switch to ACTIVATE
match content audio resolution.
The following switches also remain DISABLED:
- Match Dolby/PCM audio levels
- Play comfort noise on HDMI
- Dolby Audio processing
Currently, only the 96kHz streams are supported, with the latest Shield firmware update, support for 48Khz should also be added.
The picture in the attachment shows again the complete menu selection and the switches to be set in each case.
Yes, for me personally in any case. By the way, I wouldn't have Shield TV without Auro-3D streaming either. For me, this new technology alone has made the difference to purchase this hardware despite the existing Apple TV.
And I really have to say: It's really breathtaking with what quality the Auro 3D streams arrive in the home cinema. I can't hear any difference from the recordings on the demo discs. The live concert was also very impressive, with what clarity and dynamics the marimbas, the piano or even the old "Limonaire 1900" organ could be received.
I really hope that this technology can be brought to the content providers and thus to the customer as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, far too little is happening on the part of NewAuro and you can't really understand that. Everything is available, only the implementation is missing and the broad interest must finally be aroused. And decent advertising is part of it.