Zmiany są, tu masz wyszczególnienie:
QM163E_U_0.10.15.1 – Date: 2017/04/21
- Simplifications in UI
- Fixes for DVB-T2 installation Germany
- Updated Predefined lists for Germany Free-To-Air and HD+
- Fix for “Teletext application has stopped” error
- Support for IR RC remotes with RC5 protocol
- Channel logo intake
- Google Security Patches Until April 2017
- Fix for Error 401: SRVE0295E when attempting to log into Smart TV
- Fix for audio hiccups across use case
- Fix for juddering picture and artefacts due to certain 3rd party apps
- Improvements for stability
QM163E_U_0.6.188.12 – Date: 2017/03/08
- Introduction of “How-To” app and re-arranged Settings shelf
- Improved reaction of Bluetooth Remote Control connection
- Improvements for stability
- Improved discovery of DLNA servers
- Improved DVB-C reception on certain frequencies
- Fix for Dropbox Login issue
- Fix for some notifications remaining on screen and some notifications being absent
- Fix for Ambilight Hue connection loss with specific routers (e.g. Fritz!Box)
- Fix for RTL XL issue
- Fix for Videotext "888" and “889” not getting re-abled after commercial break
- Fix for incorrect picture format when using Picture Style “Computer”
- HDR playback improvements
- Lower latency in GameFly usecase
- Fixed translation errors
- Fix for inability to control volume on certain sound bars (e.g. Samsung HW-K450)
- Fix for incorrect AV sync during playback of recordings
Note: SW is now also fine-tuned for series 6401, 6801, 6581 and 7601.
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