Philips 32/37/42 PF 8930
Jeden z forumowiczów AVForum podał idealne nastawy dla Philipsów 9830:
Dzięki chambeajowi
*Service menu / ISF settings are curtasy of the user 'JDL' - many thanks.
The settings below are aimed at trying to achieve the best possible picture quality in terms of natural skin tones/colours, black levels / grey scaling and picture detail.
NOTE: All gimmicks such as Pixel Plus/DNR/Dynamic contrast and Active control are turned off !!
*Picture Settings Menu*
Contrast: 62
Brightness: 59 (potential range imho is 57-59!)
Colour: 48
Sharpness: 3
Tint: Warm
Dynamic Contrast: Off
Colour Enhancement: Off
Digital Options: Standard
Active Control: Off
DNR: Off
Picture Format: Auto-format
*Service Menu - Setting temperature to D65 / 6500K*
Colour temp: WARM
White point red: 127 (factory default was 127)
White point green: 126 (factory default was 101)
White point blue: 60 (factory default was 60)
Red BL offset: 8 (factory default was 7)
Green BL offset: 3 (factory default was 3)
There appears to be nothing in the service menu to do with backlight adjustment or gamma setting.
Service menu code is:
0 6 2 5 9 6 + 'i'
NOTE: With reference to the service menu access, you'll need to punch in the code quickly - it may take 2 or 3 attempts!
WARNING: You make changes to the service menu at your own risk (you cannot reset to original factory defaults - so always note down the current values before changing them). DO NOT change anything you are unfamiliar with (you could! render the set unusable).
HINT: Don't be fooled by the 'Picture Settings' menu(s) taking on a slight yellowish look (i.e. too warm). If you decide to try these settings then evaluate them based on your SKY,DVB / DVD viewing... Personally I found whites look white, skin tones are good, picture is detailed, black levels/grey scales are good & colours are very natural - all imho
[edited - added procedure]
(1) In standard 'Picture settings' menu select 'Warm' for the Tint setting then exit the picture settings menu.
(2) Go into the service menu i.e. 062596 + 'i'
(3) Warning message comes up - press 'Red' button on remote to proceed into service menu.
(4) Goto the 'Alignment' menu.
(5) Select the 'Whitepoint' menu option.
(6) For Colour temperature select 'Warm'
(7) For White point red select 127

For White point green select 126
(9) For White point blue select 60
(10) For Offset BL red select 8
(11) For Offset BL green select 3
(12) Use left cursor key on remote to get back to the top level service menu.
(13) Off the bottom of the screen there is the menu option 'Store'
(14) Select 'Store' and press OK on remote. 'Store Completed' will be displayed on the right side.
(15) Exit the service menu by pressing the 'Menu' button on remote.
(16) Screen may go black - simply use the device selection button at top left of remote to select input source.
(17) Go into the standard picture settings menu and apply settings listed above.
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